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Thursday, March 31, 2016

# 106 - Looking for bloggers

!IT! - looking for bloggers Image

Yes, that time has come, I am looking for bloggers, if you are interested, and can comply with the following requirements please send me an application as per the information provided below, and if you're IT! material I'll get back to you within a week, if I don't respond, you didn't make it. In that case please don't take it personally, it doesn't mean I think you're no good, it's just a subjective selection based on my personal taste.

Now following the "show me yours, I'll show you mine" deal, I'll go first:

SLurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jewelry/223/182/37
Market: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/157124

Requirements to join:  think SOFT
(list requirements)
1. Skills: quality pictures, as in I expect you to have some graphic knowledge, I encourage editing the pictures, but I prefer less or total lack of editing for the products, so that the customers can actually buy what they see.
2. Originality: being flexible to adjust to different styles is good, average good, however I expect to be able to recognize you in any picture by that unique extra something only you posses, basically I'm looking for eye candies who lead into temptation, ladies/gents, not tramps, trendsetters, not followers, so show me what makes you stand out with grace.
3. Feeds: experience & exposure which means on one side the more good feeds and followers, the better, it's not a deal breaker since some of you are new, and we all start from somewhere, but the other side is: focus and correct info on and about the targeted products (close-ups when needed, slurl's, short details etc).
4. Tasteful: good taste is a must, it goes without saying ( I have nothing against a generous cleavage, but huge butts, spider-like thin legs, or big gaps between them, heavy accessorized outfits, no matching patters and/or colors etc you get the picture, well those are not going to help) Yes, fantasy avis are welcomed, as mentioned above originality is encouraged, just keep it classy.
* Men can apply also, they won't be that busy, but there will be more unisex products soon.
** Quality over quantity - I need one up to three pictures per week, but if you are that good in what you are doing, and your time is limited, even one picture a month will be accepted.
*** Drama is something I don't have time for, but if you push me into making that time, I can guarantee a short and painful experience for you.

1. You will get by request everything in the store you want from already made products, no limits, plus packages with new goodies as soon as they are out.
2. No group needed inworld, I'll only invite you to the flickr one if and when accepted.
3. No time pressure - blog when you can, might be one time this month and 20 times next, depending of real life and personal pace & priorities, what matters is the quality, not the quantity.
4. I won't tell you how to do your job, I'm involved into many events, and I don't expect you to cover all of them, or like/use everything I make, pick what inspires you when it inspires you, just use the info up to date, and make them look perfect for the occasion instead of just something thrown on you because you "had to blog this".

Please make a notecard with the following title "Blogger Application - (your name)" and send it to me (Aneanu Resident) after you fill in the following:
Blogger Form Application
Name / Calling card: .................................................................................
Blog: ........................................................................................................
Flickr: ......................................................................................................
Other links if any (Google+, Facebook, Plurk etc) :
Feeds (please list below as many as you have): 
1. .............................................................................................................
2. .............................................................................................................
Experience (when you started?): ...............................................................
Events you covered (past/current): 
Sponsors / creators you work/ed for: 
Personal style preference(s) (Gothic, kawaii, urban etc): 
Estimate roughly the medium number of posts per month you can publish for me:
Any other relevant info: 
Would you agree with having your work used by me for my products?
(this has no relevance in the selection process, it's just for my info, so be honest)

Thank you for your interest !
♥ Aina ♥

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